Our Impact
Our engaging, hands-on curriculum allows students to receive high-quality instruction from qualified teachers that sparks a joy of learning.
Our six-week Summer Program is provided tuition-free. This project-based educational model uses a blend of high-quality academics with cultural enrichment and confidence-building activities like swimming, arts, and sports. This momentum is continued through the school year with Saturday and After-School Programs.
Pre- and post-testing data for Horizons Summer Program participants, and the results of a recent longitudinal study, show that Horizons students gain reading and math skills each summer, and in school have higher school attendance rates, fewer disciplinary referrals, higher standardized test scores in science and math and fewer incidents of repeating a grade.
What Sets Horizons Apart?
A combination of factors: The length of relationship, where the average child attends the Summer program for six summers; the culture, which is positive and strengths based; the degree of engagement, where Horizons is hands-on, project-based learning focused on building self-esteem, where students learn and improve their goal-setting and emotional well-being.